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    Check out our top tips and guidance to help you through the process.
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    At the June Healthwatch Sheffield Advisory Board meeting, the Board had a long discussion about public involvement in the recent Urgent Care Consultation.
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    Our Annual Report sets out our achievements for the year and gives examples of our work with different communities in Sheffield.
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    This is our strategy. Our ambition is to work in partnership with local people, to ensure that the views and experiences of our communities are heard by the people making decisions about health and social care.
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    Join the Healthwatch Sheffield Team. This is a great opportunity for a graduate to have a direct impact on shaping health and social care in Sheffield and contributing to the creation of policy that will improve the lives of local people.
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    Sheffield’s is one of 20 areas that has just been reviewed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
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    Have you had or are contemplating having treatment or care to make your smile more beautiful?
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    The Age Hub is for local people of all ages and aims to influence local policies in the city. They are next meeting on 17th July
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    Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS in 1948 as part of an ambitious plan to make quality healthcare available to everyone. Since then the NHS has delivered medical advances, pioneered new treatments and made strides to eradicate diseases like polio.
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    Voluntary Action Sheffield (VAS) has partnered with the University of Sheffield to undertake a report into the state of the voluntary and community sector in Sheffield.
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    As Healthwatch Sheffield Engagement Officer you will have a direct impact on shaping health and social care in Sheffield, with a particular focus on children, young people and students.
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    New Yorkshire Cancer Research-funded study seeks women with breast cancer to contribute to focus groups regarding the development of a psychological treatment to improve adherence to medication and well-being
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    The purpose of the project is to collect the voices of adults with hypermobility syndromes in Yorkshire and the Humber in order to develop an understanding of your health and social care experiences.
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    The Local Government Association (LGA) published their alternative Social Care Green Paper last week.

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    Having a baby can affect both the person who is giving birth and their partner’s mental health.
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    You have the power to help make change happen. It Starts With You.
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    Our September 2018 newsletter shares updates including our 'Together for Good' celebration event, the launch of a small grants scheme, and an introduction to the Strategic Advisory Group
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    Have you or a family member had a Continuing Healthcare assessment in the last year?

    We’re looking for a group of 12 people aged 18+ to tell us about their experiences and views.
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    Challenge Sheffield and SODIT work with people with lived experience of mental health distress and used their grant to hold the Sheffield Mental Health Challenge Day.
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    The Health Team at Zest work closely with Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) women and had been made aware of a number of issues in relation to how and why the women access GPs and other health services.
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    City of Sanctuary Sheffield used our Speak Up grant to run two health events for asylum seekers and refugees in Sheffield in May 2018, to listen to their experiences of local health services.
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    Shipshape is a community health organisation based in Sharrow. They offer a range of one-to-one and group health and wellbeing services. Shipshape received a grant to gather the views and experiences from people who are supported by their services.
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    Burton Street Foundation used their #SpeakUp Small Grant to ask their clients, people with mild/ moderate learning difficulties, about their experience of their local GP surgery.
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    The Darnall Community Development Centre (DCDC) provided workshops with their #SpeakUp Small Grant, aimed at young males to discuss their experiences and views of accessing, or reasons for not accessing, local health and mental health services.
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    Disability Awareness with Sport (DAWS) runs DAWS Community Gym in Hackentorpe. They support people with disabilities to improve their health and wellbeing, and wanted to better understand their clients’ experiences of health services.
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    Foxhill Forum used their #SpeakUp Small Grant to engage with their community at Foxhill and Parsons Cross and ask about their experience of accessing health and social care provision.
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    The Sheffield Chinese Community Centre used their #SpeakUp grant to conduct surveys, interviews, workshops and a focus group meeting with Chinese members to obtain feedback about their experiences and views on local health and social services.
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    STAMP is a group of young people aged 14—25 who are passionate about making a positive change to mental health in Sheffield. They hosted a consultation event to give young people the opportunity to #SpeakUp and influence change around mental health
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    The Link Community is a community hub based in South East Sheffield. They run a nearly new shop and delivers other activities and services to support local people. They used their #SpeakUp grant to talk to local residents about their experiences.
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    The Government’s recent survey of 108,000 LGBT people found that many had difficulties accessing health services, some had experienced inappropriate questioning from healthcare staff, and that many feel their specific needs are not taken into account
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    For the past three years, mental health has been the number one health and social care issue for the Healthwatch network. Take a look to see what people have told Healthwatch about their experiences.
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    In another special edition of our newsletter, we share the volunteering opportunities available to students to get involved
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    The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. The survey is sent out to over a million people across the UK. The results show how people feel about their GP practice.
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    The Social Care Institute of Excellence has published a quick guide for people using adult social care services.