#NHS70 – Celebrating 70 years of our National Health Service

Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS in 1948 as part of an ambitious plan to make quality healthcare available to everyone. Since then the NHS has delivered medical advances, pioneered new treatments and made strides to eradicate diseases like polio.

Throughout England patients and professionals are celebrating how far the service has come.

In Sheffield, there are a number of ways to get involved:

  • The Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are in the city centre, outside Sheffield Cathedral 11am -7pm. They are showcasing their current and past work and providing free interactive activities – including a vintage ambulance and a chance to meet a humanoid companion care robot.
  • This evening there will be an ticket-only NHS 70 Celebration Event at the Sheffield Cathedral from 7pm.
  • Local people have been hosting Big7Tea events and sharing stories and experiences over tea and cake to raise money for a variety of health and social care charities.

Over the weekend there will also be several TV programs and radio broadcasts about the NHS, see the full list in the NHS England roundup