Find out about our projects

Our work is about listening to your experiences of health and social care services and using your views to improve them.

We create and explore new long-term ways to amplify people's voices, working with existing networks or linking up with new local structures.

We also share shorter-term surveys and consultations when changes are being planned in the city.

Find out more about both of these below.

Long Covid project

We have been working in collaboration with Voluntary Action Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals on a Long Covid project. We want to understand the experiences of people living with Long Covid in the city, and influence the support pathway for others living with the condition.

As part of this work we are running a Long Covid community grants scheme, helping community groups to understand the experiences and impact of Long Covid and develop useful information resources.

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Putting your views at the heart of decision making

The Sheffield Health and Care Parternship (HCP) brings together health and social care organisations in the city. They focus on working together to bring about major changes in the way services are planned and delivered.

We are leading on making sure that patients and members of the public are involved in this work. As part of this work, we host the Health and Care Partnership Forum (Sheffield), a group of volunteers with lived experience of health and care services, who share their views on the HCP's plans. 

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Speak Up small grants scheme

Every year we fund small community or voluntary groups to carry out engagement work in their communities.

The feedback gathered through this engagement is really important to us - by working with groups which are already trusted partners in their communities, we can make sure we're hearing from even more people, including those whose voices aren't often heard by services.

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Current surveys and consultations

You can always tell us about any aspect of health and social care. Sometimes though, we're trying to find out more about a specific issue. You can find our current surveys here.

We also use this space to share consultations that are happening across Sheffield - if changes are being planned, we want your views and experiences to shape those decisions. Take a look at current topics.

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