1. Report -

    Our complaints process outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
  2. News -

    Our November newsletter shares some updates - including our new volunteer roles, an Adult Social Care survey, and a spotlight on NHS complaints advocacy
  3. News -

    Our December newsletter shares some updates and changes - including a discussion forum about NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, and work that is underway to develop new standards for Accessible Information.
  4. News -

    Our January newsletter share updates including the council's Adult Social Care review, a look at Patient Transport, and information sessions for NHS complaints advocacy.
  5. News -

    Our February newsletter shares updates including upcoming volunteer training, and some recent Healthwatch impacts
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    Our May/June newsletter shares updates including our report into Adult Social Care, and what our volunteers have been getting up to.
  7. News -

    Our July/August newsletter shares updates including our first Annual Report, and a spotlight on the Care Act for adult social care.
  8. News -

    Our Autumn 2014 newsletter shares updates including 'Mental Health in Sheffield: a snapshot', and a spotlight on our Young Healthwatch volunteers
  9. News -

    Our Winter 2014 newsletter shares updates including the launch of our new Young Healthwatch group, an update on the Care Act, and on Patient Transport
  10. News -

    Our Early Spring 2015 newsletters shares updates including our report on Patient Transport in Sheffield, and an update on Young Healthwatch
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    Our Late Spring 2015 newsletter shares updates including our Young People's Question Time event, and our Virtual Advisory Network (VAN)
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    Our Summer 2015 newsletter shares updates including our work with people living with Musculoskeletal problems, and our latest Annual Report.
  13. News -

    Our Early Autumn 2015 newsletter shares updates including what 'really good' Adult Social Care should look like, our Enter & View work, and Young Healthwatch's newest work
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    Our Autumn 2015 newsletter shares updates including the difference your comments have made, plans for the new Children & Young People's Health & Wellbeing plan, and the work of our volunteers
  15. News -

    Our February 2016 newsletter shares updates including an upcoming event for BME people, introducing our new Chair, and what our Young Healthwatch volunteers have been working on
  16. News -

    Our Spring 2016 newsletter shares updates including our new 'Rate and Review' website, and our report into people's experiences at A&E
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    Our Summer 2016 newsletter shares updates including our National award win, and our latest Annual Report
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    Our Autumn 2016 newsletter shares updates including our Mental Health Crisis Care report, our work on Enter & View visits, and an update on our engagement work
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    Our March 2017 newsletter shares updates such as the next steps for our Mental Health report, our continued work with Voluntary Action Sheffield, and what's going on with the Testbed project
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    Our July 2017 newsletter shares updates including new members of our staff team, our report on disabled people's access to dentistry, and much more
  21. News -

    This special edition of our newsletter is aimed at students - it features the big range of volunteering opportunities we have available
  22. News -

    Our October 2017 newsletter shares updates including our work exploring Deaf people's access to health and social care services, our Learning Disability Report, and changes to Urgent Care in Sheffield
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    Our November/December 2017 newsletter shares updates including the extension of the 'Perfect Patient Pathway' programme, and our VCF Forum event focusing on bringing the voluntary sector together
  24. News -

    Our February/March 2018 newsletter shares updates including an Independent Review of the Mental Health Act, your experiences of home care, and a welcome to new staff and volunteers
  25. News -

    Our May/June 2018 newsletter shares updates including 'The Great Get Together' event, an insight into volunteering, and the Digital Care Home project
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    Our September 2018 newsletter shares updates including our 'Together for Good' celebration event, the launch of a small grants scheme, and an introduction to the Strategic Advisory Group
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    In another special edition of our newsletter, we share the volunteering opportunities available to students to get involved
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    Our December 2018 newsletter shares updates including our Young Healthwatch report on self-worth, information about our small grants programme, and welcomes two new members of staff
  29. News -

    Our February 2019 newsletter shares updates including our work on the NHS Long Term Plan, our work with the Accountable Care Partnership, and a briefing on the experiences of people with autism
  30. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people. It includes difficulties accessing patient transport, experiences of cancer patients, and people's struggle with confusing information.
  31. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people in the week commencing 27th April 2020. It includes bereavement services, mental health crisis care, and concerns from people with learning disabilities
  32. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from the two weeks commencing 18th and 25th May. It includes feedback on primary care (GPs, pharmacies, dentists), & changes to lockdown restrictions
  33. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from the two weeks commencing 1st and 8th June. It includes issues accessing dentistry, advice on face coverings, and long term mental health concerns
  34. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from 15th June - 10th July. It includes the impact of long term isolation, and the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people from BAME backgrounds
  35. Advice and Information -

    People have been asking us about Patient Transport and getting to their essential appointments during lockdown. We've worked with local NHS trusts to find the answers for you.
  36. News -

    We awarded 13 grants to voluntary and community groups who applied for our #SpeakUp grants this year.
  37. Advice and Information -

    Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group have published a new leaflet to help people choose which service they should access: their pharmacies, their GPs, A&E, or somewhere else?
  38. Advice and Information -

    This glossary of NHS terminology and acronyms was compiled by a service user, who created it as he was navigating his way through the health services. He has allowed us to share this in the hopes that it helps others.
  39. News -

    Our job at Healthwatch is simple. We’re here to help make health and social care work better for you. During this challenging time this role has never been more important.
  40. Advice and Information -

    We know making a complaint about the care you've received can be daunting. We've put together some advice for complaining about NHS and health services in Sheffield.
  41. Advice and Information -

    We know making a complaint about the care you've received can be daunting. We've put together some advice for complaining about adult social care in Sheffield.
  42. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from 13th-30th July. It includes new face covering regulations, confusion around direct payments, and communication with mental health services.
  43. Advice and Information -

    With flu season on its way, Public Health England have launched their flu vaccine programme. With COVID-19 cases still high, they want even more people to get the jab. We look at key information, and people's main worries about the vaccine.
  44. News -

    Check out our FAQ - why is there a push to get more people vaccinated against flu, and what are people worried about?
  45. Report -

    These are the key issues we've been hearing in October - including taking part in social care and Continuing Healthcare sessions online, visiting in care homes and supported living, and mental health provision across Sheffield.
  46. Report -

    Since March, people have been telling us about issues they've faced while trying to access health and social care services during the pandemic. We did a dedicated piece of work to find out more about how this has impacted people.
  47. News -

    We'd like to hear from parents or carers of children living with a recessive genetic condition. Do you know what services can support you? Have you experience of using recessive genetic services?
  48. Advice and Information -

    There has been a lot of information in the national press about visiting in care homes, and lockdown has changed guidance again. Find out the latest picture in Sheffield (updated 15th Jan 2021)
  49. Advice and Information -

    Dentists are still operating at limited capacity due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. If you're looking to get dental treatment for something, please have a read of this advice, provided by the dental commissioners.
  50. Report -

    These are the key themes that we have been hearing about in March 2021 - including feedback on GP surgeries, communication with mental health services, and feedback from people who have sensory impairments.