1. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
  2. News -

    Do you or someone you know have dementia or memory problems? Are you interested in dementia?
  3. News -

    You’re invited to have your say on 13 commitments designed to improve the support and care of people living with dementia and their families and carers.
  4. Report -

    Organisations across Sheffield have committed to work together to improve care and support for people living with or caring for someone with dementia. NHS Sheffield CCG want to involve people with lived experience in planning how this should work.
  5. Blog -

    In 2016-2018, we were involved in a project called the Perfect Patient Pathway. This was an NHS England Wave 1 Test Bed site involving 28 partners spanning across health, social care, education, technology and voluntary sector organisations.
  6. Report -

    Loneliness and social isolation affect so many people in our society and we know that the voluntary sector have been tackling these issues for years and have many valuable insights and ideas to share.
  7. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people in the week commencing 27th April 2020. It includes bereavement services, mental health crisis care, and concerns from people with learning disabilities
  8. Report -

    This briefing sets out the key issues we're hearing about COVID-19 and its impact on local people, from the two weeks commencing 4th and 11th May. It includes concerns around unclear government messaging, social care reductions, and care homes
  9. Report -

    Since March, people have been telling us about issues they've faced while trying to access health and social care services during the pandemic. We did a dedicated piece of work to find out more about how this has impacted people.
  10. News -

    We've published our latest report, revealing what it's been like for local people accessing health and social care services during the pandemic. Take a closer look at what the impact of the pandemic has been on people in Sheffield.
  11. Advice and Information -

    There has been a lot of information in the national press about visiting in care homes, and lockdown has changed guidance again. Find out the latest picture in Sheffield (updated 15th Jan 2021)
  12. Report -

    The Community Dementia Advice Service in South East Sheffield supports people living with dementia and their families/carers, linking them in with local activities and opportunities.
  13. News -

    South East Sheffield Community Dementia Advice Service used our #SpeakUp grant funding to understand what it's been like for people with dementia, and those who care for them, during the pandemic. What additional support do they need?
  14. Report -

    In 2021 we awarded small grants to 12 local voluntary, community, and not-for-profit organisations. They helped us to hear from over 790 people in Sheffield about important issues in health and social care. Find out about this year's projects.
  15. News -

    We want to hear from care home residents and their relatives about their experiences. Help us to understand what it's been like for you.
  16. Report -

    These are the key things we've been hearing about in February 2023 including GP feedback, hospital care and insights from the Community Champions.
  17. Report -

    These are the key things we've been hearing about in October and November 2023 including GP feedback, hospital care, and issues with prescriptions.
  18. Report -

    We spoke to people about their experiences of palliative and end of life care in Sheffield. Find out how people feel about the care and support they or their friends/family receive, and how services can work to make things better.