1. Event -

  2. Event -

  3. Event -

  4. Report -

    Our latest report is the result of speaking in depth with local residential and nursing care home residents. Find out what they have to say.
  5. News -

    Our latest report finds that choice and control - over moving into a care home, as well as having choices in everyday living such as food - is of high importance. However influencing change is not an opportunity most people feel is available to them.
  6. Event -

  7. Report -

    These are the key things we've been hearing about in October- including experiences of flu and Covid 19 booster vaccinations, GP access, hospital care, NHS dentistry and people's opinions related to the proposed new healthcare centres.
  8. Report -

    The first of this year's #SpeakUp grants has been published. Find out what people living with ME & Fibromyalgia have to say about their care.
  9. Advice and Information -

    The November installment of the BSL Vlog, by Citizens Advice Sheffield. This month we learn about wills, warm home discount scheme, money saving advice and energy and cost of living payments.
  10. Report -

    These are the key things we've been hearing about in November- including experiences of GP practices, hospital care, NHS dentistry, care homes and community pharmacies.