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    “How can you trust people who refuse to answer questions about your child’s death in their care?” Scott Morrish – 30th November 2017. This question highlights the shattering of trust Scott Morrish experienced following the tragic death of his son Sam
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    The NHS Long Term Plan was published on Monday – following a number of issues being previewed in the media over the past week. Much of the content of the plan is as expected but I thought it might be helpful to highlight some key messages.
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    Three of our Young Healthwatch volunteers travelled down to London for NHS England’s Youth Voice Summit. The event aimed to explore the role young people can play in co-design of services and support in key areas that matter to young people
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    Festival of Debate is one of the platforms we Sheffielders are very proud of – it encourages discussion, urges us all to be more active citizens, and really makes us think outside of the box.
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    10 local people were nominated to take part in an exciting collaborative project between Healthwatch Sheffield and photography group Archive Sheffield.