Have your say on urgent care services in Sheffield

NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and its partners are asking the public to share their views on urgent care services in Sheffield via an online survey.

Between 26 September 2017 and 31 January 2018, the CCG ran a consultation on changes to improve urgent care services in Sheffield. After working with members of the public, partner organisations and clinicians to review all the feedback received, in September 2018 the CCG agreed to reconsider the urgent care proposals for minor illnesses and minor injuries and not to progress with the proposed changes to urgent eye care.

The information collected via the new survey, along with findings from engagement work and the feedback collected in the original consultation, will help form possible solutions to help improve services. Before any potential changes are made to services, the public will be consulted.

Following on from feedback from the last consultation, the CCG along with their partners have worked with members of the public and patients to develop the definition of urgent care. Urgent care means advice and treatment for illness and injuries for all ages, thought to be urgent (care needed within 24 hours) but not life threatening. In this definition, illness includes both physical and mental health conditions.